National Anthem
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under GOD, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

* A Northridge alumni is anyone who ever attended a Northridge
school, even if for one year.
A Northridge alumnus proposed a NHS Alumni Veterans Memorial, to be erected on the grounds of the Northridge Stadium, to the Board of Education on July 09, 2012. The Board of Education approved the proposal
on August 13, 2012. The first phase construction started on May 30, 2013 and finished on September 19, 2013. The second phase was completed on
July 03, 2014, Adding two granite uprights. A black granite lighted memorial with matching benches and flag pole,
was erected. The names of deceased NHS alumni veterans are etched onto the monument. New names will be added in groups. Information is needed
about NHS veterans. The memorial is financed only by donations.
As of November 07, 2022, nine groups of deceased veteran names have been added to the memorial. The next
group will be added when there are enough names to make it cost effective. Expected
date for group ten to be added is fall of 2023.
The cost to add a name to the monument is approximately $25 to $30 each
and is done through donations. Please consider a donation so the next list of names will be added without
a delay for lack of funds. Donation information is listed below.
Add A Name And Help Build This Page.
To add a name to this page please,
complete the information form HERE for any Northridge alumni veteran. If you
are or know alumni who are veterans and not listed below, please use this form HERE to send your's or their information to be included. Use this form also for corrections
and additional information that can fill in the blank areas of the list. Thank you and thank you, NHS alumni veterans,
for your service to our great country.
cost are paid for by donations. In order to keep the cost as low as possible, names are added in groups. Please consider making
a donation to the NHS Alumni Veterans Memorial. 100% of donations will
be used for the continued support of the memorial.
All administration costs are done free and voluntarily. Our present cost to add a name to the memorial is $25
to $30 depending on the number of letters and the number of names. Honor our NHS alumni service veterans with your
donation today. Thank you.
Don't let the our NHS alumni veterans go unappreciated and unrecognized.
If you have the information to fill in the yellow
highlighted areas or
to add a name, please complete the information
form HERE for any Northridge alumni veteran not on the list above. Also
use the form to submit corrections to the list.
Mail a check or money order made payable to:
Northridge Alumni Veterans Memorial
Address to:
Northridge Alumni Veterans Memorial c/o Northridge Local Schools
Attn: Treasurer
2008 Timber Lane
Dayton, OH 45414-4501
The Northridge Alumni Veterans Memorial
Those who deserve a special THANK YOU for making this possible.
VFW Post 6560
American Legion Post 746
Dale Herzog - Dayton Building and Construction Trades
Jeff Bush – Local 290 International Association
of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers
Mike Evans - Local 82 International Brotherhood of Electrical
Glen Jones – Local 132 Operative Plasterers and
Cement Masons International Association
Tom Lambe -
F.D. Lawrence Electric – Electrical equipment and supplies
Earnst Concrete - Supplier of the concrete
Jesse Spurlock - NHS 1964, Mike's right hand man
Diana Robards - NHS 1974, Mike's gal Friday
Clarence Jarboe - Former Business Manager and Superintendent of
Northridge Schools
John Agenbroad - NHS 1965 and the Military Order of the
Purple Heart
Wayne Boggs – NHS 1957 and Sauer Tarzinski Education
Fund for Accounting Services
George's Restaurant and Hoagie's Pizza
Barry Wickline - Dayton Monuments & Memorial Gifts
Brian Lairson and the Maintenance Department of Northridge
High School
Dave Jackson – Superintendent of Northridge Local
Schools for his enthusiastic support of the project
The Northridge Board of Education for approving the memorial
on school grounds
NHS classes of 1958, 1960, and 1975 for donations
Exceptional Alumni - Bill Sandifer 1953, Phill Wilson
1958, Barbara Kimmel 1960, Duane Tron 1962, Phyllis Richards 1962, Jerry Badders 1965, and others who made very generous donations to make the memorial a reality.

Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, National Guard, & Navy |
To see available
pictures of all known NHS alumni veterans, CLICK HERE.
NAMES PIC CLASS Group* SERVICE BRANCH BIRTH DEATH Updated 12/13/2022 911 names Group 10
Abshire, Jeff x 1988 Army
Abshire, Steve x 1987 Army Combat Signaler at Desert Storm
Achbach, Ralph x 1935 2 Army 01/13/17 04/24/96
Adams, Clayton x 2002 Army 10/26/83 2002-2010
Adams, Steve x 1979 Air Force Res. 05/05/61 Tech Sgt., OP Enduring Freedom, Aircraft Armament Sys Tech
Adkins, Dean x 1968 Air Force Res.
Adkins, Karissa x 2010 Navy 05/06/92
Agenbroad, John x 1965 USMC NHS HoF. 3 Purp Hrts, Gallantry, Pres. Citat
Allen, Bill D x 1960 4 Army 08/25/41 02/23/11
Amon, Dan x 1958 1 Air Force 07/30/40 09/18/09
Anca, Edward x 1963 Army 10/13/45
Anderson, Machele x 1986 Air Force Resv. 12/05/67 01/90 – 01/98, Nat'l Defense Medal
Anderson, Wayne x 1974 Army 04/11/56
Applegate, John x 1971 USMC 06/12/53
Argo, Floyd x 1942 6 Navy 05/28/25 02/15/94
Armstrong, Ray x 1944 1 USMC 1926 12/xx/07
Armstrong Jr, Sam x 1945 7 Army Air Corps 12/25/26 10/26/18 Army Occup Medal, WWII Victory Ribbon
Arndts, Rodney x 1966` 10 USMC 06/19/48 12/13/18
Arndts, Ted x 1964 1 Navy 03/18/96
Arwood Bennett, Lindsay x 2007 Army 01/25/89
Ashburn, David x 1985 Navy 05/17/67 1985-1996
Atchley, Donald x 1963 National Guard
Austin, John Army Withdrew 01/22/1966 PFC 4th Arty.
Ayles, Charles x 1966 1 Army 04/21/48 12/25/02
Ayles, Danny x 1967 2 Army 04/20/49 08/30/13
Ayles, Ralph x 1968 2 USMC
Baab, John x 1946 6 Navy 12/17/27 12/21/17 Korea
Badders, Jerry x 1965 Army
Badders, John x 1964 Navy
Baird, Richard x 1977 Navy
Baker, Melvin x 1971 USMC & Army
Baker, Quentin x 2015 USMC
Baker, William x 1973 Army 1953
Baldauf, Ronald x 1967 1 Army 08/31/47 09/22/06
Ball, Clinton x 2002 USMC
Ball, James x 1967 Navy
Bame, Alvin x 1957 7 Army 07/21/39 01/23/19
Barber Thomas, Connie x 1967 Air Force
Barber, George “Mike” x 1965 USMC
Barger, Ralph x 1956 Army
Barker, Ronald x 1965 Army 1947
Barker Coulter, Julie x 1991 Air Force/Natl Grd 02/19/73 Operation Iraq Freedom (1993-2014 retired)
Barlow, John x 2006 Air Force
Barnes, John 1988
Barnhart, Geoffery x 1984 USMC 12/11/65
Basham, Jerry x 1968 Army 110th Transportation Co.
Baugh, William 1965 Air Force 1963-1967 a2c
Bayless, Robert x 1965 1 Army 04/12/13
Beams, Vaughn x 1967 Army
Beaumont, Ernest x 1962 Navy
Becker Hayden, Wendi x 1976 Air Force 05/23/58 Retired
Behr, Anthony x 1972 10 Navy 10/31/53 09/30/22
Belcher, John x 1959 5 Air Force 08/06/41 06/13/17 Vietnam
Belcher, Tim x 1973 Navy 08/05/55
Bensen, Wilbur x 1979 Air Force
Bensen, Timothy x 1976 1 Navy & Army 09/22/57 05/20/11
Benton, Carl x 1952 6 Army 01/04/34 08/18/10
Benton, Danny x 1968 Air Force
Benton, James x 1955 6 Air Force 01/05/36 10/28/06 Withdrew 11/19/1952
Berry, Wayne x 1942 1 Army 07/02/23 06/06/44 KIA Normandy D-Day Invasion
Berlin, Kevin x 1982 Navy US Naval Academy 1986
Bianco, Robert x 1955 Army 10/30/38
Bilger, Earl x 1947 1 Army 06/21/29 03/25/12
Bingham, Dennis x 1967 1 USMC 10/10/48 11/11/11
Black, Michael x 1960 9 Air Force 11/01/21 Strategic Air Command
Blair, Fess x 1976 2 Air Force 02/06/58 08/02/09
Blakley, Michael x 1972 Navy
Blass, Karl x 1949 Army
Bocko, Robert x 1959 10 Army 08/04/41 11/03/22
Bogan, Blaine x 1965 1 USMC 12/31/68
Bolander, Dan x 1970 Army 04/31/52
Bolander, Stephen Rex x 1966 10 Army 06/25/48 07/12/22
Bolon, John x 1960 7 Army 10/02/42 03/20/18 Vietnam
Booher, Clarence x 1937 1 USMC 11/10/18 03/31/74
Booher, Earl x 1931 1 USMC 08/06/13 08/17/64 Ebenezer & Steel H.S
Booher, Edwin x 1959 3 Navy 07/19/41 10/19/14
Booher, Richard x 1947 3 Army 09/07/14
Booher, Robert L x 1949 4 Navy 11/18/31 04/16/16
Booher, Robert x 1965 USMC Cpl. Bridge Co. 7th Engr. Bn.
Booher, Wayne x 1960 Air Force NHS Hall of Fame
Borders, Paul x 1988 Air Force
Borton, David x 1966 Air Force
Bowe, Daniel x 1975 Army 05/30/57
Bowling, Kindred “Ken” x 1965 Army
Bowling, Kyle x 2011 USMC
Bowling, John x 1989
Bowman, Wallace x 1962 Army
Brandon Chamblin, Sandra x 1964 9 USMC 09/28/45 12/12/21
Brawn, Delores x 1947 Army
Breitfield, Rick x 1966 Navy & USMC 08/03/48
Brentlinger, Paul x 1945 3 Army 04/03/27 12/22/14
Brewer, Chad x 1995 Air Force 07/29/77
Brigance, Robert x 1948 7 Army 02/23/29 04/26/19
Brooks, Marcus x 1997 USMC 03/25/78
Brown, James x 1977 Army
Brown, John x 1966 2 Air Force 1999
Brown, Raymond x 1966
Brown, Robert x 1967 Army
Brown, William x 1963 Air Force SP/4 Co. B 2nd Inf. 1st Inf. Div.
Browning, Herbert x 1958 USMC 02/08/40
Brumbaugh, Robert x 1947 6 Navy 03/22/29 09/09/01
Brumfield, James x 1961 Navy USS D H Fox
Brumit, Clyde x 1966 Army 12/31/47 Bronze Star
Brunk, Paul x 1950 6 USMC 01/17/31 01/09/18 Sgt Korea
Bryant, David x 1964 Army 1946 NHS Hall of Fame
Buelow, Joey x 1994 Army
Burchette, John Anthony x 1988
Burke, William x 1958 Air Force 12/07/40
Burns, Shane x 1994 Navy NHS Hall of Fame
Burton, Denver x 1965 1 Air Force 12/14/46 05/15/10
Burton, Donald x 1969 Army Vietnam
Burton, Lonnie x 1968 Army 01/14/48
Burton, Ronald x 1970 5 Army 1952 02/28/17
Butts, Richard x 1950 1 Navy 1932 06/08/07 NHS Hall of Fame, Rear Admiral
Camp, Edward “Eddie” x 1984 1 Army 07/28/66 08/27/94
Camp Jr, Edward x 1964 USMC 07/29/45
Camp, Larry x 1966 1 USMC 10/09/49 07/05/10
Campbell, Noah x 1968 Army 1949 Vietnam
Cantrell, Ronald x 1983 7 Army 11/24/64 01/27/19
Carmichael, Randall x 1964 8 Army 04/01/20 Vietnam
Carnes, Mervin x 1945 4 Navy 07/02/27
Carroll, Lanny x 1968 9 Army & Navy 11/22/49 11/26/21
Casey, Ronald x 1966 8 USMC 03/10/48 02/02/21 Comm Co. 3rd Marine Div. 2nd Battalion NHS HoF
Cassity, Robert x 1972 8 Navy 03/16/53 07/15/20 Vietnam
Castle, Ronald x 1956 National Guard
Chambers, Eugene x 1967 Army 05/04/49 3rd batt 84 artily 56th artily grp (Germany)1969 -1971
Chambers, Rocky x 1966 Corp. 2326-838 Supply Bn
Champine, George x 1954 5 Air Force 09/07/35 06/02/17
Champine, Jerry 1957 4 Air Force 06/04/39 11/18/76 Airman 3rd Class
Chapman, Leonard x 1942 1 Air Force 06/04/39 03/11/46 KIA Alaska
Chapman, Thomas “Bill” x 1966 4 Navy 12/07/48 11/10/15
Clark, Bobby x 1970 Army 10/01/52
Clark Walden, Debbie x 1973 Navy 02/05/55 1973 – 1977
Clark, Donald x 1965 1 Army 06/28/46 09/17/11
Clements, Timothy x 1987 2 Army 03/23/68 04/14/14 Airborne Ranger
Clemmer, William x 1990 Army
Clingman, Julie x 1992 Air Force
Clodgio, Roy x 1962 Air Force
Clyde, David x 1952 Navy 10/28/37 NHS HoF, Bronze Star/ V, 2 Air Medals
Clyde, Donald x 1957 8 Navy 04/18/39 01/24/21
Clyde, Gilbert x 1953 1 Air Force 12/01/03
Coffman, Larry x 1981
Cole Jr, Robert x 1975 Navy 12/19/57 1975 to 1979, CVN 65 USS Enterprise
Coleman, Kimberly x 1976 Army 08/02/58
Collins, Anthony x 1972 1 Army 12/11/52 03/20/06
Collins, Boyd x 1948 Air Force
Collins, Brian x 1990
Collins, Jack x 1950 4 Army 1933 02/01/17
Collins, Michael x 1969 Army 10/03/49
Colwell, Bobby x 1965 1 Army
Colwell, James x 1967 Navy 11/00/49
Conrad, Terry x 1964 Army National Guard 03/05/46
Cook, Tony x 1998 USMC 06/14/79 USMC 1998-2006
Cook, Jack x 1942 1 Army 08/13/24
Cook, Russell x 1966 9 Air Force 07/29/48 07/06/21 NHS Hall of Fame
Cook, William x 1965 8 Army 12/26/19
Cooper Jr, Walter x 1981 3 USMC 05/26/63 03/20/95
Cope, Frank x 1966 Army 01/18/48
Corder, Kenneth x 1942 2 Army 04/25/24 04/25/14 11th Airborne Div. Paratroop & Mach. Gunner
Coterel, Robert x 1994 USMC 08/22/75
Cotterman, Roger x 1978 Navy
Courtney, Michael x 1965 8 Navy 01/24/47 11/27/19
Courtright, Michael x 1962 Navy
Cowan, James x 1965 1 Army
Cowan, Raymond x 1957 Army
Cox, Edward x 1940 10 Army 1922 Radar Approach Controler
Cox, James x 1957 3 Army 1939 10/01/02
Cox, James A x 1964 Army 02/16/44
Cox, Lawrence x 1964 5 Army 03/11/46 09/07/07
Craddock, Ronald x 1951 1 Navy USS L.S.T. 855
Crider, David x 1988 USMC
Cridlin, Brian x 1982 Army
Cridlin Jr, Donald x 1982 1 Army
Cridlin, James x 1981 Army Retired
Cridlin, Jeffery x 1985 Army
Cromwell, Chester x 1934 3 Army 08/15/16 07/23/88 Sgt. In General Patton's Third Army
Cromwell. Edwin x 1943 Army Air Corp 04/07/25 Lt. Army Air Corp Bombardier
Cromwell, Robert x 1939 3 Coast Guard 12/30/20 12/05/60 Petty Officer on LST Normandy D-Day
Cross, Ronald x 1959 7 Army 01/02/39 04/14/19
Crowden Jr, Millard x 1965 1 Navy 10/03/47 10/02/06
Crowden Richards, Phyllis x 1962 10 Army/Res/NatGrd 12/06/43 08/08/22 Retired - NHS Hall of Fame
Cruea, Jim x 1967 Army
Crumrine, Tyrone x 1958 5 Air Force 07/08/40 05/13/17
Culp, Chuck x 1987
Cunningham, Charles x 1991 Army 09/29/72
Curtis, William x 1954 Navy 11/08/36
Danyi Jr, Bert x 1964 National Guard 12/20/46
Danzig, William x 1963 Army Retired
Davies, Matthew x 1989
Davidson DeSoto, Lenora Beth x 1975 9 USMC 11/03/56 02/02/22 1976 - 1980
Davidson, Larry x 1966 1 Army 11/01/48 04/21/93
Davidson, Michael x 1963 1 Air Force 03/22/94
Davidson, Shelby x 1967 Army
Davis, Charles 1967 Army
Davis, Ernest x 1965 4 Army 04/28/47 02/28/16 Vietnam
Davis, Ted x 1967 Air Force
Dawson, Thomas x 1958 Army 04/29/40
Day, Walter “Fred” x 1967 3 Army 01/10/48 12/24/98
DeAloia, Joe x 1975 Navy 08/08/56 1974 to 1980
Dearth, Donald x 1966 1 Army 05/05/48 09/03/10
Deeter, Robert x 1934 9 Army 12/21/14 12/03/95
Delk, Joe x 1949 Army 1932 9th D. C. Co. 1st O. R. Regt.
Derham, Donald x 1982 Navy 11/11/64
Derksen, John x 1971 6 Army 07/09/52 12/01/17
Derksen, William x 1963 Army EN3 Wounded Vietnam, May 03, 1967
DeWitt, George x 1962 Army
Dexter, David x 1965 National Guard 10/21/46
Drisccoll. Glen x 1938 4 Army Air Force 04/29/20 01/16/95 President of Univ. of Toledo
Dunn, William x 1955 2 National Guard 04/02/13
Duplinski, Paul x 1954 National Guard
Durst, Donald x 1948 7 National Guard 10/17/30 03/23/19 38th Infantry Div. Band
Dye, Roy 2004 Navy
Dykes, Darren x 1984 Air Force 07/18/66 Brz Star/Meritorious Srv Mdl/4 OLC/AF Commend.Mdl
Dykes, Dexter x 1984 Army 08/29/65 23 Years
Eberg, Danny x 1967 7 Army 02/06/49 12/18/18
Edgington, Buddy 1952? Army 1932 Withdrew in 51-52 year
Edwards, Barney x 1966 2 Army 07/25/32 04/12/03
Egbert, Michael x 1966 2 x/x/2003
Egnor, Darryl x 1975 Navy
Egnor Jr, Walter x 1982 8 Army 12/01/63 08/07/20 101 Division Airborne Rangers, six years
Egnor, Nathan x 2000 Army 82nd Airborne, Purple Heart, Bronze Star
Elam, Gerald x 1964 6 Army 05/23/17 12/07/17 Vietnam
Elam, Mathew x 1988 Army NHS Hall of Fame
Eldridge, Ray x 1975 Army NHS Hall of Fame Airborne
Elkins, Daniel x 1966 8 Army 10/31/47 02/21/20 Vietnam
Elkins, Gearld x 1962 2 USMC 05/25/13 NHS Hall of Fame
Elkins, Russ x 1987
Elliot, Robert x 1979
Elliott, Charles x 1960 8 Army 12/29/40 07/10/06 Drill Sgt
Elliott, James x 1953 8 Army 07/31/35 07/20/20 Vietnam
Elliott, Marvin x 1962 USMC
Elliott, Michael x 1975 Navy USS William M. Wood DD-715 & USS Miller FF-1091
Elliott, Steve x 1975 USMC
Elliott, Thomas 1961 8 Army 06/28/42 12/22/08
Ellis, Jon x 1989 Army West Point grad
Emrick, Jerry x 1947 10 Army 04/08/29 10/11/22
Engle, Gary x 1966 7 Air Force Vietnam
Erickson, Steve x 1961 Army
Erickson, Thomas x 1965 Air Force Reserve
Espy, Richard x 1944 6 Army 08/24/25 04/21/96 M.Sgt. Served in Pacific, Korea & Bronze Star in Vietnam
Evans, Bryan x 1995 Coast Guard
Evans, Curtis x 1964 8 Army & Air Force 02/25/46 10/30/20
Evans, Eddie x 1967 Army
Evans, Glen x 1964 National Guard
Fain, James x 1977 8 Air Force 02/20/59 12/04/20
Fauver, William x 1963 Army Reserve
Fee, Stephen x 1986 2 Army 2009
Fegel, John x 1965 USMC
Feldner, James x 1967 1 Army 12/09/48 01/16/96
Ferguson, Donald 1952 Navy Withdrew in 51-52 year
Ferguson, Kenny x 1977 Air Force
Fidler, James x 1957 7 National Guard 05/26/19
Fink, Cletus x 1955 9 National Guard 07/20/37 08/24/21
Fink, Kenneth x 1958 4 Army 07/03/40 10/08/16 Lt Col Retired NHS Hall of Fame
Fink, Melvin 1954 Army Bronze Star and Service Medal
Fink, Robert x 1962 USMC & Army
Fisher, James x 1946 2 Army 08/26/13
Fisher, John x 1954 Army
Fisher, John P x 1957 8 Army 06/19/39 08/06/20
Flagg, Alvin R x 1934 1 Army 1915 07/28/43 KIA France, Serial # 35612601
Flannagan, Rick x 1975 Army July 1976 to May 1997
Flinchum, Phillip x 1972 Air Force 12/05/54 E5-Twice airman of the year
Florence, Frank x 1971 1 National Guard 11/05/52 09/05/09
Florence, Frederick x 1961 USMC 02/21/40
Florence, James x 1969 1 Army 12/28/49 12/24/93 1970-1971 Vietnam
Florence, Joseph x 1965 Army
Florence, Raymond x 1957 2 Navy 05/25/39 09/17/04 1957 – 1962
Florence, Steven x 1970 Army National Gd.
Fogle, Floyd x 1951 7 Air National Gd. 07/22/31 08/20/19
Fogle, Gerald x 1966 Army
Foley, James x 2010 Army 01/21/92 1-7 Cav, 1BCT, 1CD
Folino, Kenneth x 2001 USMC Military Police, Iraq 2004
Ford, Henry x 1975 1 National Guard 09/17/56 01/14/89
Forte, Lowell x 1957 3 Navy
Freeman, Stanley x 1968 Army
Freiberger, Jerome x 1947 4 Army 09/27/16
Fry, James x 1973 Air Force 07/07/55
Fry, Jonathan x 1969 Air Force 10/12/51 1971-1975
Fry, William x 1971 Navy
Fuduloff, Dean x 1965 Navy 06/06/47 USF Bon Homme Richards Aircraft Carrier
Fulks, Jack x 1961 Navy
Fulks, Paul x 1957 Army 01/20/38
Fundis, Robert x 1975 Navy 1975-1980
Gardner, Howard (Gene) x 1967 6 USMC 07/20/49 10/12/05
Gardner, John x 1965 Army
Geiger, Fred x 1950 7 Air N. Grd & Army 07/02/31 05/03/18 OH Air Natl. Grd 4 yrs & 2 yrs Army
Geiger, Charles 1936 1 Navy 05/06/18 03/06/00
Geisel, Dale x 1962 Navy
Geisel, Daniel x 1996 Army
Geisel, David x 1975 Army 11/30/56 235th Aviation Company, Spec 4, 1974-1980
Geisel, Gerald x 1962 Army
Geisel Sr., Ralph x 1936 4 Army 04/09/18 02/04/01
Gentry, Billy x 1963 9 Army 01/15/45 02/06/22
Gibbs, Mark x 1974 1 Army 09/27/04
Gibbs, Randall x 1972 1 USMC 11/05/53 01/27/95
Gibbs, Robert x 1966 1 Army 08/01/48 12/09/11
Gibson, Dean x 1961 Coast Guard
Gillette, Daniel x 1963 Army Oct 1945
Gillette, Leroy x 1962 1 Navy 03/03/44 04/05/03
Gillette, Wade x 1941 2 Army x/x/1922 06/13/75
Gilliam, Frederick x 1966 Air Force 6990 th and 6908 th Security Squadrons
Gilliam Jr, Richard x 1948 4 Air Force 06/02/30 03/20/16 1604th M & S Sqdn. 15271708
Glanzer, Robert x 1950 1 Air Force 03/13/30 07/22/11
Glock Sr, David x 1965 10 Army 01/04/47 07/12/22
Gobar, Scott x 1980 Navy
Godsey, Carl x 1962 Navy
Godsey, Michael x 1968 USMC
Good, Donald x 1971 Navy 03/23/53 1973 – 1975
Good, Matthew x 2002 USMC
Good, Wilbur x 1934 1 Army 08/24/16 12/29/77
Goodrich, Willard x 1956 2 USMC
Gore, Brian x 1995 Army
Gravitt, James x 1946 2 Army 04/11/28 06/27/03
Gravitt, Jeffery x 1977 Army 02/14/59
Gray, Walter x 1982
Grear, Joshua x 2004 Army
Green Jr, Oliver x 1943 2 Navy x/x/1925 1972
Greer, David x 1960 8 Air Force 08/13/41 12/26/19
Grooms, Charles Lloyd x 1958 2 Army 07/19/40 12/29/13
Groseclose Goth, Rebecca x 1969 5 Army 09/07/51 04/14/12
Groseclose Mathis, Gigi x 1977 Army 04/09/59
Gross, Gordon x 1959 9 Navy 05/30/41 08/30/99
Gross, Larry x 1958 2 National Guard 07/30/95
Grove, John x 1967 Army
Guinn, Jerry x 1951 6 Air Force 01/16/32 03/21/01
Gulasa Herman, Sally x 1975 National Guard
Gulett, Morris x 1973 Navy 05/21/55 Medals-Viet Srv, 1 Brz Star, Armed Forces Exped'ary
Haas, Richard x 1947 1 Air National Guard x
Hagan, Gene x 1947 9 Army 03/15/29 01/23/22 Occupation of Germany & Korean Conflict
Hagerman, Richard x 1947 Air Force 1929
Haines, Lani x 1959 Army
Haines, Robert x 1955 4 Army 08/09/37 01/02/17
Hall, Barry x 1964 Army 06/28/46
Hall, Brent x 1973 10 Air Force 03/06/54 05/01/22 39th arrw
Hamilton, Robert x 1988 6 USMC 01/19/70 09/13/17 Sgt, Desert Storm
Hamilton, Virgel x 1981 1 USMC 11/10/62 10/23/83 Killed in Beirut bombing 10/23/1983
Hamlin, Charles 1971 1 Army 03/31/52
Hamlin, Larry James x 1964 1 Army 06/17/46 06/17/06 St Sgt Kadena AFB Okinawa
Hamm, James x 1957 Army
Handwerker, Charles x 1945 2 Army 03/11/26 05/02/05
Handwerker, James x 1974
Handwerker, Richard x 1942 2 Air Force 06/16/24 05/24/11 Major, Michigan Air Ntal. Guard ®
Handwerker, Robert x 1951 Air Force aka Paul
Handwerker, William 1947 6 Army 04/11/29 10/22/11 Korea, Withdrew from school March 1946
Handwerker, William x 1972
Hanson Ellis, Mary Jane x 1964 Air Force 08/29/46 CM Sgt ®
Hapner, Robert x 1954 1 Army Reserve 10/23/36 03/08/07
Hardesty, Roy x 1945 3 Navy 04/26/27 04/02/09
Hardin, Edward x 1945 1 Army 04/07/26 11/09/80
Harley, Frank x 1949 3 USMC 01/27/31 08/26/14
Harmon, Frank x 1989 USMC
Harner, Kerry x 1981 USMC
Harper, Jerome x 1951 9 Army 06/10/32 11/19/97
Harper, Paul Jr x 1949 9 Army 06/09/29 02/18/22
Harper, Ronald James x 1951 9 Air Force 11/10/33 10/12/21 73rd Stock Control Sqdn.
Harris, Danny x 1977 Army 12/06/58 EIB Bdg, Pres Citat, 1 Oak Leaf Clust, Achieve Med
Harris, Edward x 1958 USMC 04/12/40
Harris, Joe x 1964 Navy 07/09/44
Harris, Marshall x 1969 USMC
Harter, Forrest x 1959 Air Force
Harter, Robert x 1957 Air Force
Hartman, Martin x 1992 Navy & AF Res.
Hastings, Zachariah x 1994 Air Force 10/26/76 NHS Hall of Fame, Class of 2018
Havens, Fred x 1965 Army
Hawk, Raymond “Pete” 1952 Army 1934
Hawk, Thomas x 1936 6 Army 04/20/18 06/01/77 Parker Co-Op
Hawk, Weslie x 1938 6 Army 12/12/20 12/04/95 Parker Co-Op
Hawkins, Keith x 1990 Coast Guard
Hawkins, Stanley x 1982 Army
Hawlik, Roger x 1954 9 Amry Natl. Guard 03/21/36 01/14/22 1954-1962 SP4
Hayes, Edward x 1962 2 Air Force 11/03/44 01/08/14
Hayes, Norman x 1958 3 Air Force 12/27/40 10/12/14 Col (R)-Japan,Okinawa,Vietnam,Thailand
Hazel, Robert x 1953 9 Air Force 06/06/36 07/09/21 Lt. Col. Ret., 28+ years in Air Force
Hedleston, Merlyn x 1945 1 USMC 1923 12/02/11
Heid Jr, Edward x 1954 3 Air Force 02/25/36 09/01/14
Heid , Richard x 1957 8 Army 04/06/39 12/14/19
Heiland, Anthony (Terry) x 2003 Army 08/15/85 12B Combat Engineer
Helke, Howard x 1949 4 Army 02/17/31 10/14/15
Hellard, Lewis Tom x 1957 9 USMC 02/04/39 02/22/22
Helton, Sidney x 1978 9 Air Force 08/14/60 07/04/21 Iran/Iraq
Henson, Curtis x 2006 6 Army 05/25/88 12/31/17 Iraq
Henry, Robert x 1953 2 Army x/x/1980
Herzog, Gary x 1970 8 Army 04/09/52 06/19/20 MP
Herzog, Robert 1968 Navy 10/07/49
Hewlett, Jay x 1965 1 Air Force 02/07/12
Hickman Jr, Forrester x 1973 Air Force
Hickman, Jesse x 1993 Navy
Hinders, Charles x 1942 3 Navy 09/12/22 09/14/94
Hirsch, Walter x 1947 10 Army 1929 05/10/22
Hirt, Tim x 1976 Air Force Staff Sergeant 1981-1985
Hofferbert, Charles x 1943 5 Army 2003 WW II and Korea
Hoffman II, Arthur 1967 Army 06/26/49
Hoffman III, Arthur x 1988 1 USMC 08/06/70
Holben, James x 1965 Air Force 12/17/47
Holcomb, Roger x 1966 USMC
Holler, Charles x 1950 1 USMC 03/05/10
Honsell, Brian x 2001 Army 02/28/83 2 tours Afghainistan,2 tours Iraq, South America, Africa, Kosavo peace
Horton, Gerald x 1959 Army
Hoskinson, James x 1968 Air Force
Houghton, Michael x 1999 Army
Hounshell, Jerry x 1946 6 Army 08/09/28 04/11/11 Pvt 8, SN15248512, Alaska
Hovater, Daniel x 1994 Army
Howard, Jon x 1984 Army
Howell III, Howard x 1967 Air Force
Hubler, Dale x 1963 1 USMC 09/14/71945 04/06/69 Lance Corporal
Human, Clyde x 1951 1 Navy 02/28/33 07/30/63
Human, Ronald x 1959 USMC 06/24/41
Human, William x 1960 1 Air Force 08/01/12
Humphery, Jeffeory x 1975 Army 05/06/56 82nd Airborne, 1974-1979
Hungate, Tim x 1988 USMC
Hunsbarger, Terry x 1968 Army
Hunt, Randall x 2002 USMC
Hunt, Robert x 1964 9 Army 08/28/45 05/27/21
Hurst, James x 1956 1 Navy 07/02/03
Hurst, Orville “Gene” x 1954 3 USMC 07/05/35 09/14/14
Hutchinson, Donald x 1985 Army Nat'l Grd. 05/05/67
Hyder, Scott x 1999 Army
Isaac, Bobby x 1966 8 Air Force 05/31/48 07/28/20 Vietnam
Isble Hall, Cynthia x 1983 Army
Isreal, John R. x 1965 Army 04/27/47 Army accommodation metal, bnz star/v, purple heart
Jackson, Gregory x 2002 Air Force
Jaros, Emil Jr x 1964 Army
Jaros, Paul x 1956 1 National Guard 04/11/04
Jeffery, Frank x 1948 3 Army 09/17/30 04/04/15 A Battery 567 F.A.B.N.
Jensvold, Paul x 1965 USMC
Johnson, Charles x 1962 Navy 11/10/42
Johnson, Dennis x 1980 USMC
Johnson, Eugene 1966 Air Force 381st Titan II Missile Squadron
Johnson, Harry x 1965 1 Army 10/19/47 05/26/68 KIA Vietnam, Silver Star for Gallantry
Johnson, James x 1955 1 Navy
Johnson, Richard x 1950 Navy
Johnson, Robert x 1952 Navy
Johnson, William x 1966 Army
Jollie, Robert x 1959 USMC Retired 20 Years
Jones, Dennis x 1960 Army 12/03/41 714th Prev Med, 55th Med Gp, XVIII Airborne Corps
Jones, Edward x 1979 Navy
Jones, Kenneth x 1944 Navy
Jordan, Edward Glenn 1957 3 Navy & Army 04/19/39 10/26/82
Jordan, James x 1946 Navy 09/13/30 Submarine Service NHS Hall of Fame
Jordan, Robert x 1955 USMC NHS Hall of Fame
Jourdan, Dennis x 1958 1 Navy 10/15/99
Jourdan, John x 1953 7 Navy 06/12/35 06/03/19
Kaylor, Robert x 1945 6 Navy 11/24/25 05/13/13
Keller, Arthur x 1941 1 Army Air Corps 03/20/23 2011
Kelley, Keith x 1967 Navy
Kelley, Norman Dean x 1962 Air Force
Kelley, Russell x 1941 4 Army 09/08/23 06/02/05
Kelley, Thomas x 1963 National Guard
Kelly, Dennison (Fritz) x 1987 Army
Kelly, Harold x 1951 1 Air National Guard
Kennedy, Gene x 1987 Army
Keplinger, Robert x 1942 3 Navy 04/06/24 04/05/06
Kercher, Robert x 1939 3 Navy 05/04/21 02/08/15 Commanding officer Submarine Hunter Service
Kettering, Neil x 1953 1 Air Force 02/08/35 12/05/10 Also Army, National Guard, & USMC
Key, Bill x 1963 USMC
Kilgore, William x 1956 Army 11/21/38 1961 – 1963
Kimmel, Harvey x 1960 Navy
King, Jack x 1939 1 Army Air Corps 02/15/21 03/14/91
King, James x 1956 1 Air Force 06/26/38 04/13/11
King, Jerry x 1967 USMC 03/25/49 1967-1971 Vietnam
King, Lewis x 1976 4 Air Force 11/30/56 12/21/16
King, Ronald x 1961 Army 07/15/42
Kiss, Albert x 1944 1 Army 08/18/25 03/09/07
Knapp. Clarence I x 1939 5 Army Air Corp 1921 05/23/45 KIA Captain 1st Fighter Group
Kneier, James x 1952 7 Navy 10/04/34 12/27/18 20 years active, 10 years in reserves
Knese, Edwin 1945 3 Army 02/14/27 04/17/93
Knight, Kenneth x 1939 2 Navy 12/26/21 04/01/76
Knight, Randy x 1979 Army/Air Force
Knight, Stanley x 1958 National Guard
Knopp, Matthew x 2005 USMC
Knorr, David x 1958 1 Army 12/15/09
Koerner, Ronald x 1957 Army
Koronich, Charles x 1966 7 Army 01/30/48 12/29/18
Koronich, James x 1982 Army
Koronich, Scott x 1984 Army 10/02/65
Krieger, Melvin x 1965 USMC 09/23/46 Corp. 2nd Plt. C Co. 1st Tank Bn.
Krimm, Dennis x 1962 1 Army 08/06/44 09/08/70
Kroger, Jack x 1949 8 Army 05/21/31 03/20/20
Krohn, Kenneth x 1945 3 Navy 5/281926 03/23/90
Kuechler, Glenwood x 1941 4 Navy 1922 1986
Kuhns, Robert x 1963 USMC 08/30/45
Ladd, William x 1986 7 Army 08/06/68 06/22/18 Field Artillery Tactical Fire Direction Sys. Repair
Lairson, Dale x 1967 3 Army 09/21/47 12/10/14
Lairson, James 1948 Navy Withdrew in 47-48 year
Lalich, Nicholas x 1967 Navy 07/15/49
Lange, Charles x 1954 National Guard
Lange, Mark x 1975 Navy 09/23/58 !975 -1996, Navy Seal
Langford, Wayne x 1963 1 Army 01/20/09
LaPointe, Guy x 1966 1 Army 07/02/48 06/02/69 KIA Viet. Medal of Honor & Silver Star NHS Hall of Fame
Laquaglia, Ralph x 1957 USMC 05/01/39 155th Artillery
Larrick, Earl x 1956 National Guard
Law, Earl x 1964 Navy 1946
Law, Frank x 1962 Navy 1944
Law, James x 1959 Air Force 1941
Lawhorn, Donald x 1966 Air Force
Lawson, Neal x 1965 Army 02/07/47
Lay, David x 1975 1 Air Force 10/03/57 09/04/04
Ledbetter, Steve x 1963 1 USMC 09/15/98
Leeth Dysart, Laurie x 1993 National Guard
Lehman, Carl x 1951 Navy
Lehman, Earl x 1945 1 Navy 08/18/27 03/16/12
Lehman, Edwin x 1934 1 Army 1915 1995
Lehman, Leonard x 1940 1 Army 1922 1986
Lehman, Norman x 1949 1 Air Force 1931 x 6920th Security Group
Lehman, Paul x 1949 Army 1st Signal Co.
Lehman, Thomas x 1957 Navy
Lemmert, Kurt x 1968 Air Force
Leonard, Charles Jr x 1969 8 USMC 10/06/51 11/22/18 1968-1972, Sargent, w/d from NHS April 1968
Leonard, Robert x 1971 8 USMC 12/14/52 04/19/20 1969-1971 Corporal, w/d from NHS August 1965
Lesher, Walter x 1952 4 Navy 05/01/04
Letner, Jeff x 1984 Army MSGT 23 years
Lewis, Craig x 1977 Air Force
Lewis. Michael x 1979 5 Air Force 12/24/60 06/25/17
Lockhart, Howard x 1948 1 Navy
Logel, Daniel x 1958 1 Air Force 01/28/03
Loos, Orville x 1944 1 Navy 01/22/26 07/08/46 Carnegie Hero Commission Metal recipient
Lowe, Clyde 1947 1 Navy 11/20/27
Lowrey, Norman x 1940 1 Navy 1922 1/14/xx KIA
Lowrey Sr, Raymond x 1945 1 Army 03/05/27 12/03/97
Ludwig, Dale x 1950 Air Force 35th Maint. Sqdn.
Luebkeman, Robert x 1967 Army
Lundy, Dustin x 2006 1 USMC 12/03/88 10/30/11
Lupton, Allan x 1966 USMC
Lupton, Glenn x 1967 Air Force
Lutz, Clarence x 1959 10 Army 04/09/38 10/26/22 Vietnam
Lybarger, Edward 1942 2 10/15/24 03/01/72
Lybarger, Glen 1939 2 1921 x Pvt 8, S/N35662961
Lybarger, Raymond x 1937 1 Army 02/06/19 05/06/12
Lybarger, William x 1936 2 05/15/18 01/16/97
Maas, Bradley x 1952 5 Army 09/28/34 03/12/17
Mack Jr, Lloyd x 1944 2 Army Air Corps 1926 05/11/46 Okinawa, Medical Administrative Corps - For Officers only
Mack, William 1947 Coast Guard 1929
MacNeil, Richard 1949 6 Army B Bat. 75th F.A. Bn. Withdrew in 48-49 year
Maggard, Eugene x 1957 1 Army 03/01/12
Maggard, Frank x 1975 4 Air Force 06/13/57 04/20/16
Maggard, John x 1960 Air Force
Maggard, Richard x 1969 4 Navy 07/24/15 Gunners Mate
Manning, Thomas 1981 Army 05/04/62
Manning, Timothy x 1980 Navy 05/04/62
Mannix, Ronald x 1970 3 USMC 07/28/51 07/23/14
Mannix Jr, Thomas x 1969 7 Army 07/20/49 03/02/19
Marshall, Ellison x 1966 Air Force Medic Radiology
Martin, Glenn x 1959 Army
Mason, Robert x 1944 1 Army 08/19/26 03/30/58
Maupin, Steve x 1973 Navy
Maxwell, Anthony x 1980 Army 01/18/61
Maxwell, Joseph x 1962 Navy
Maxwell, Larry x 1957 Navy
Mayer, Stephen x 1970 Army 07/25/52
Mays, Tim x 1988 USMC
McConnell, Chris x 2000 Navy 04/02/82
McCorkle, Gene x 1966 Army 12/22/47
McCormick, Thomas x 1971 Army 02/20/53 AMH/S 2nd Class Petty Officer
McCullough, Roger x 1963 Army
McFarland, Charles x 1937 5 Navy 01/11/20 03/08/07 Lieutenant JG
McFarland, Donald x 1947 Navy 08/29/29
McGatha, John x 1967 Army 09/18/47 Retired
McIntosh, Lloyd x 1997 National Guard
McMasters, Harold 1943 Army Reserve 545 Quarter Masters Withdrew in 42-43 year
McWorter, Michael x 1990 Army
Merch, Douglas x 1967 USMC 02/09/49
Mescher Jr., Edmund x 1947 3 Army 07/23/29 02/12/15
Meyer, Brien 1942 USMC 1925
Middlestetter, Charles 1950 4 Army 1932 11/09/15
Milam, Ronald x 1965 2 Army 02/07/47 11/23/13
Miller, David x 1964 6 Navy 10/13/17 Sea-bee , Vietnam
Miller, Dennis x 1963 1 Army 07/27/45 04/08/03
Miller, Eddie x 1961 9 Army 10/05/43 05/06/21
Miller, Frank x 1948 Air National Guard 03/08/30
Miller, Gary x 1963 Army
Miller, Marcus x 2003
Miller, Martin x 1948 Air Force
Miller, Marvin x 1953 7 Army 06/27/33 04/10/19 1953 to 1955
Miller, Michael x 1968 Army
Miller, Richard x 1962 Navy
Miller, Robert x 1956 National Guard
Millward, David x 1976 4 USMC 08/06/58 12/09/15
Minor, Anthony x 1999 Air Force
Mitchell, William x 1985 Army
Mobley, David x 1964 Air Force
Mofield, Charles x 1952 Air Force & Nat.Gd
Molen Franklin x 1936 2 Army Air Corps 12/17/17 12/01/77
Molen, Howard (Jim) x 1939 2 Navy 06/10/21 05/14/10
Moore, Brandon x 2012 Army Natl Guard
Moore, Jerry x 1987 Army
Moore, Kevin x 1983 10 Army 06/22/65 03/27/22
Moorhead, William x 1965 Army
Moorhead West, Sandra x 1959 Air Force
Morgan, Robert 1953 Navy
Morgan, Robert x 1957 Army
Morris, Eric x 1959 4 Navy 05/03/41 08/02/02 1959 – 1963
Morris, Norman Robert x 1962 Navy
Morrow, Kenneth x 1965 9 Army 12/13/16
Moss, Norman x 1958 4 Army 11/21/40 06/30/15
Mullins, Daniel x 1981 National Guard 10/25/61 Kuwait & Iraq
Mullins, Oscar Thomas x 1958 8 Army Nat'l Guard 03/24/40 06/13/91
Muncy, Carl x 1962 4 Army 12/19/44 09/04/15 Vietnam
Murphy, J. P. 1951 Navy Co.31, 11th Batry. 1st Reg. Withdrew in 50-51 year
Music, James Ronnie x 1984 4 Navy Auto wreck in Italy
Musser, Louis x 1957 10 USMC & Army 12/09/39 05/30/22
Myers, Douglas x 1987 Army
Myers, Larry x 1961 Navy
Myers, Leroy x 1955 3 Air Force 07/21/14
Myers, James x 1947 8 USMC 03/15/29 10/13/20
Nadalsky Jr., Louis x 1963 1 Army 01/13/45 04/09/07
Nadalsky Sr., Louis x 1938 1 Army Air Corps 11/19/19 09/01/79
Neely, Larry x 1993 Navy 12/27/74 Duty Corpsman (Still on active duty in 12/2020)
Nelson, Michael x 1975 Army 11/23/53 1975-79, UH1H Helicopter Crewchief. Ft Hood, TX
Newton, Damon x 1957 Army
Nichols, Christopher 1996 Air Force
Nichols, Robert x 1958 USMC 07/24/40
Noble, William x 1951 Air Force Withdrew in 50-51 year
Noffsinger, Mark x 1942 2 Navy 10/02/24 03/14/94
Null, Michael x 1963 USMC & Army
Nussman, Jason x 2001 Navy 08/27/83
Oakes, Harris 1958 Army 11/17/13
Ochs, Harold x 1947 2 Army 08/12/12 Korea
O'Connell, Robert x 1958 Air Force 12/31/39
O'Cull, Glen x 1970 Army 10/05/50
Officer, Jeffery x 1980 Army
Officer, Theresa x 1979 Army
Oroszi, Lester x 1967 2 Army
Ott, Ronald x 1954 National Guard
Owen, Wesley x 1950 6 USMC 02/26/32 04/10/01 M.W.S.S. 1 Eng'rg..
Owens, Mitchell x 1971 2 Air Force 03/24/53 08/08/11
Pabst, John x 1960 Army
Pabst, Kenneth x 1958 9 Army 04/06/39 05/15/21
Pabst, Rick x 1965 Army
Pacholka, Michael 1965 6 Navy 02/19/47 01/16/09 Withdrew 01/22/66, CMG 3 River Div.112, Sq.11
Palmer, Bill x 1964 Army Airborne 05/09/46 Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Combat Badge
Palmer, Guy x 1949 6 Army 06/19/30 10/24/17
Parker, Carl x 1966 Army 06/14/48 Pfc. MRS 101st Airborne Div.
Parr, David x 1966 Army 11/16/48 1968 - 1971
Parsons, Jerry x 1958 Navy 11/09/40
Partin, Dennis x 1987 1 Navy 03/24/69 09/10/12
Patterson, Jamie x 2007 Army 02/10/89
Patterson, William x 1965 Army 12/28/47 Field Medic
Patton, Larry x 1963 9 Army 09/16/45 11/08/21
Patton, Jerry x 1968 Navy 8 yrs active and 25 yrs Reserve
Pendergrass, Donald x 1952 1 Army 11/24/34 06/18/02
Pennington Jr, R. Leroy x 1980 8 Navy 08/23/62 08/21/15
Peppo, Eric x 1988 Navy
Peters Jr, Alvin x 1949 Air Force 1931
Peters, James x 1950 1 Army 01/30/32 02/23/06
Peters, Robert x 1939 1 Army 05/21/22
Peterson, James x 1956 1 Air National Guard 08/07/89
Petrae, Joseph x 1987 Army 05/15/69
Petticrew, William 1966 Army 501 MI BN Korea & DIA DoD, US Embassy,
Phelps, Kenneth x 1958 Navy
Phillips, Gary x 1975 Navy
Pierce, George x 1949 10 USMC x
Pierce, Vernon Sr x 1944 10 Army 07/13/26 02/26/17 Korea
Pierson-Slack,Pamela x 1983 8 Air Force 03/18/65 09/15/20
Plecker, McPherson x 1940 5 Navy 11/02/22 07/10/14 Fireman 1st Class - POW in China & Japan
Plessinger Jr, Merle x 1951 1 Navy 01/20/33 01/29/11
Ploski, Richard x 1965 Army Medic, Veitnam '68, 2 purple ♥, 2 bronze Stars
Poff-Fedco, Patricia x 1951 Air Force
Pohl Sr, Donald x 1951 4 Army 10/20/32 04/25/16
Poland, William x 1965 USMC 1st Bn. Marines HQ
Pollard Paul, Jill x 1983 Army 1965
Pollard Stoiber, Joy x 1986 Army & Navy Res 04/26/68 CS3 Stoiber-- Sailor of the year
Pollitt, Robert x 1954 Navy 1936 U. S. S. Iowa BB61
Poppin, John x 1965 5 Army 03/20/17 UH-1 Chopper Pilot
Powers, Robert Ted x 1948 4 Air Force 03/05/30 06/14/15
Puckalski, Dale x 1970 Army
Puchalski, Steven x 1972 7 Army 04/30/18
Quinn, Jack 1969 Army
Rairden, Brian x 1990 Army
Rairden, Scott x 1989 Army
Ramby, Jack x 1948 2 Navy 07/06/30 04/23/13
Ramby. James x 1958 1 Army 01/26/98
Randall, Gene 1957 USMC
Randall, John x 1952 Navy
Rankin, William x 1951 Air Force
Rasor, James x 1953 4 USMC 04/06/35 12/28/92 Withdrew 09/27/1948
Ray, David x 1972 Air Force 11/28/53 Security Police
Ray, Roy x 1963 2 Navy 04/03/45 06/19/02
Ray, Walter x 1961 USMC 11/08/42 5/28/1961 to 5/28/1965
Rayome, Kenneth x 1939 1 Merchant Marines 06/04/21 02/06/03
Recher, Donald x 1938 4 Army 06/29/20 11/29/89
Recher, Eldon x 1936 4 Army 06/12/18 10/05/00 Master Sargent
Redick, Heather x 1999 Navy 06/24/81
Redick, Rickie x 1971 8 Navy 02/20/52 07/29/18
Reed, Jason x 1990 Army 01/23/72 440th, 1111th, and 17th Sig. Batln.
Reibel, Dave x 1974 1 Air Force 01/27/55 10/23/05
Reichert, Donald x 1977 USMC 08/20/58 Rifle Expert Badge, Meritorious Mast, Good Conduct
Reinmuller, Ernest x 1947 Army
Reist, Bryan x 1984 Air Force 04/24/66 Security Police Specialist
Renacs, Greg x 2004 Navy 02/20/86
Resler, Donald x 1962 Army
Ressler, Clarence x 1939 Naval Air Corps
Reuber, Eugene x 1959 7 Navy 09/19/41 03/30/19
Reynolds, Marvin x 1968 Air Force 01/03/50
Reynolds, William x 1959 4 Army 07/14/40 01/06/16
Richards, James x 1962 Air Force
Richey, Jarold x 1951 Army
Rieck, Harold x 1944 Army 10/11/26
Risden, Donald x 1970 8 Navy 08/04/52 03/09/01
Risden Jr, Jack x 1966 8 Navy 05/08/48 05/27/01
Robbins, John x 1956 1 Air Force
Roberts, Dale x 1960 Air Force
Robinett, Charles x 1957 1 Navy 09/01/95
Rogers, Kenny x 1974 Air Force 05/14/56 Captain, Weapons System
Rogers, Mark x 1983 Army
Rosell, Paul x 1962 1 Navy
Rosenbeck Jr, Frederick 1965 8 Army 10/28/19
Rotterman, Eugene x 1944 7 Army 09/23/26 08/13/18
Roundtree, Everett x 1970 1 Army 11/07/51 03/17/02
Roundtree, Kathy x 1974 National Guard 11/11/55
Royer, Emmert x 1939 1 Army Air Corps 1921 05/22/10 NHS Hall of Fame
Ruble, Dennis x 1989
Safreed, Larry x 1958 1 Navy 10/02/84
Sage, Randy x 1969 Air Force U.S. Air Force Academy
Salyer, Steve x 1968 Air Force 12/27/49
Sams, Anthony x 1983 USMC 09/18/65 Overseas Combat & Navy Achievement Medals
Samuels, Michael x 2000 USMC
Sanders, Thomas x 1959 8 Navy 10/16/19
Sandifer, Robert x 1958 1 Army 03/07/40 12/14/07
Sandifer, William x 1953 8 Army 10/05/35 08/07/20
Sawyer, Thomas x 1966 Army 1948
Scalf, Shaylor x 1963 Army
Schulke, Andrew x 1996 USMC & Army
Scott, Morris x 1958 5 Army 05/03/40 04/07/17
Seaman, Lawrence x 1940 Air Force 520th Signal Base Depot Withdrew NHS 1939-40 year
Seibert, Ronald x 1955 Navy
Seibert, Theodore x 1957 4 Navy 06/29/39 07/01/15
Seibert, Thomas x 1959 Navy
Senter, Charles x 1954 1 USMC 05/28/98
Senter, Gerald Thomas x 1956 10 Navy 02/24/38 07/17/22
Severt, Donald x 1947 1 Navy 03/20/27
Severt, Kenneth x 1950 8 Army 06/12/31 10/04/20
Sevitts, William x 1944 1 Navy 05/19/26 06/14/64
Sexton Sr, Bruce x 1968 7 Army 01/16/50 11/30/18
Seyfferle, Donald x 1958 4 Air Force 05/19/40 03/13/16
Shade, Eugene x 1941 1 Army 11/02/22
Shade, Richard x 1943 1 Army 11/11/24 02/x/2005
Shafer, Donald x 1965 1 USMC 12/28/46 02/18/66
Shetterly, Grant x 1982 Air Force
Shetterly, Keith x 1976 Navy 10/04/58
Shirdon, Lorin x 1984 Navy
Shotts, Michael x 1961 1 Army 03/20/43 04/14/10
Shoup, Bruce x 1956 National Guard
Shroyer, John x 1943 1 Army Air Corps 09/19/25 12/05/90
Sillin, Cletus x 1946 4 Army 07/28/28 02/01/16 Master Sgt. Korea
Sizemore, Frank x 1986 USMC 07/23/67
Smart, Jack x 1958 6 National Guard 11/27/39 07/02/17
Smith, Charles x 1954 Air For,& Natl Grd
Smith, Daniel x 1955 4 Air National Guard 1937 12/14/15
Smith, David x 1968 Army MP Vietnam
Smith, Douglas x 1984 Army Special Reaction Team
Smith, Frank x 1965 Navy
Smith, Jack x 1965 6 Air Force 07/11/46 03/10/18
Smith, James x 1982 Navy
Smith, James x 1987 USMC
Smith, Jeff x 1968 Army 1969-1971 Vietnam
Smith, Martin x 1975 Navy
Smith, Terry x 1970 Army
Smith, Terry T. x 1993 USMC 10/18/74
Smith, Woolery x 1960 3 Army 06/13/43 08/23/99
Snell, Frank Sherman x 1954 Army & Natl Guard 10/17/36
Snell, Glen x 1957 1 Air Force 05/15/12
Snell, Keith x 1958 Army
Snell, Kenneth x 1959 9 USMC 09/20/21
Snell, Larry x 1957 1 Army 02/08/39 03/07/03
Snell, Paul x 1956 1 USMC & Natl Gd
Snell, Richard x 1960 1 Army 03/08/40 06/21/07
Snell, Robert x 1956 Navy Res/Ntl Grd
Snell, Ronald x 1964 1 Army 11/13/45 07/28/80
Sorah, Dennis x 2011 USMC
Sowers, Thomas 1951 5 Navy 12/14/32 11/18/99 U.S.S. L.S.T. 855 Withdrew in 50-51 year
Sparks, Gary x 1967 Army 12/03/48 1st Air Cavalry, Medals for Nat'l Defense, Vietnam Campaign & Svr.
Springer, Christy x 1997 National Guard
Sprouse, Sherman 1971 7 Army 07/16/53 09/03/78
Spurlock, Jesse x 1964 6 Army 06/05/46 01/23/18 82nd Airborne
St. John, Keith x 1958 5 Army 06/27/39 03/08/17
St. John Stanley Ralph x 1958 5 Army 1937 12/01/15
Stacy, Brett 2010 Air Force 11/03/92 726th Air Sqd, 552nd Air Control Wing
Staggs, Estill x 1940 4 Army 04/15/21 02/26/16 Branch Immaterial-Warrant Officers, S/N 35470743
Staggs, Thomas x 1963 Air Force
Stahley, David x 1977 2 USMC 08/19/58 09/30/10
Stallman, Carl x 1938 1 National Guard
Stallman, George x 1938 1 Army Air Corps
Stamps, James x 1998 3 Army 01/05/80 05/12/98
Starnes, Alan x 1965 Army 308th S&S Baltalian 1966-1968
Starnes, David x 1966 8 Army 12/11/48 10/21/20 Silver Star-Gallantry, 501 MI BN Korea, DIA DoD, US Emb, Airborne
Starnes, Roger x 1968 Army 75th Ranger Regiment, Airborne
Stephens, David x 1999 1 Army
Stephenson, Barry x 1954 Navy
Stephenson Dennis x 1972 9 Air Force 02/14/54 06/12/22
Stephenson, Gary x 1968 Air Force
Stephenson, William x 1970 8 Air Force 04/17/52 01/24/20 Retired after 20 Years
Stout, Robert x 1963 Air Force
Stout, Thomas 1966 Air Force 61st Tactical Airlift Squadron
Strange, Merrill x 1960 2 Army 03/01/42 10/17/13
Strader, Casey x 2000 Army
Stratton, Roy x 1978 Navy 09/20/60
Stremel, Donald x 1952 1 Air National Guard 10/18/34 11/22/58 Air crash in Indiana of his F84F
Strine, Kevin x 1992 Air Force
Strine, Tyler x 2003 Air Force Military Police.Staff Sergent
Strouth, Gary x 1959 Navy
Stubblefield, George x 1953 10 Army 10/10/34 11/18/22 Korea
Studebaker, Marion 1948 4 Army 01/24/30 10/25/10 A Btr'y 91st AAAAWBN
Sturgell, Roger x 1970 Air Force Reserves 02/15/52
Suchland, David x 1966 Army 08/23/48
Suhr, Tim x 1989 Navy
Sullivan, James x 1964 Navy ETN-3 788045
Sutton, Ed x 1964 Army
Swallows, Junior x 1963 1 Army 02/11/09
Sweetman, Timothy x 1973 2 Navy 09/22/55 11/06/99
Szonnell, Fred x 1962 5 USMC-Army Res 09/18/44 03/28/17
Tackett, Dana x 1971 7 Army 04/24/53 02/15/19
Tadge, Charles x 1949 4 Army 11/25/31 12/22/16
Tanner, Donald x 1945 Navy 1927
Thacker, Edward x 1960 Army
Tharpe, Mary x 1962 Air Force 1st Lt. Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam
Thomas, Alton “Ben” x 1963 Air Force Lt. Air Force Silver Wings
Thomas, Bethany x 2004 Army
Thomas, Randy x 1968 Navy 01/18/49 02/1969 – 02/1975
Thomason, James x 1979 5 USMC 03/29/60 03/30/17
Thompson, Roy x 1991 Army 04/30/72 NCO of Communication, Baghdad, Iraq
Thompson, Stevenson x 1965 USMC 05/07/48 Purple Heart
Thornton, Wayne x 1953 3 Army 05/13/35 05/04/15
Tincher, Chris x 1987 USMC
Tomlinson, Jerry x 1968 1 Army 07/08/50 12/31/12
Toops, Patrick x 1965 Army
Toops, Ronald x 1956 National Guard
Treadway, David x 1960 10 Army 08/11/42 11/21/22 Vietnam era
Trepanier, Anita x 1995 Army 01/22/77 Legion of Merit, Brz. Star, Defense Meritorious, 22 yrs Ret.
Tron, Keith x 1953 1 Army 01/29/35 11/19/87
Tron, Duane x 1962 Navy NHS Hall of Fame
Troy Hodges, Susan x 1984 Navy
Turner, James 1953 Air Force 02/20/34
Tyree, Bernard 1947 6 Army 12/24/30 09/17/97 G. Co. 3/5 Mar 1st Mar. Div. Withdrew in 46-47
Underwood, Peter x 2002 5 Army National Gd. 05/06/84 03/21/17
Van Oss Jerry x 1953 4 Army 06/29/34 03/01/01 MP Germany
Van Oss, Linus x 1947 4 Army 05/09/28 09/06/15 Tank Commander
Van Oss, Robert x 1949 5 Army 10/11/30 03/26/17 Communication Specialist, C Btry
Vargo, Paul x 1949 2 Air Force 10/27/01
Vaughn, Marshall x 1975 8 Air Force 08/05/57 09/30/19
Vedder Focker, Sarah x 2007 Army 09/21/88
Veg, Stephen x Honorary Navy 09/30/38 Resident and pastor, Northridge HoF
Vetrovec, Nicholas x 1999 Army
Vick, Burl x 1950 2 Navy 01/15/14
Vollmer, James x 1964 Army Vietnam
Wagers, Robert x 1962 6 Air Force 06/04/44 05/01/81
Wagner, Ronald x 1952 8 Army 05/01/34 10/23/19
Walker, Anthony x 1986 Ohio Army Natl Grd 09/04/66
Walker, Dennis x 1963 Army
Walker, George x 1974 Army
Wallace, Samuel x 1967 Navy
Walters, Arvil x 1969 3 Army 04/01/52 10/16/10
Ward, Allen x 1982 Army 04/04/64 Combat Medic
Ward, Tim x 1973 Air Force 06/10/55
Warren, Jeffery x 1981 3 Army 03/22/62 06/04/14
Watson, Jack x 1961 2 Army 05/09/41 12/09/08
Watson, James x 1956 Army
Waymire, John x 1989 USMC
Waymire, Russel x 1957 1 Army
Webb, Jerry x 1961
Webb, Raphael x 1963 1 Air Force 12/18/09
Weber, Aaron x 1994 1 USMC 01/24/13
Weber, Adam x 1989 10 Army 12/14/70 08/31/22
Weber, Terry x 1967 Army
Weeks, James x 1960 Air Force
Weikert, James x 1953 4 Air Force 08/01/35 04/07/16 NHS Hall of Fame
Weisenborn, Donald x 1942 5 Army 09/09/24 01/12/10
Weisenborn, Howard x 1944 1 Army 07/26/26 11/29/06
Welch, Donald x 1965 Air Force Res.
Welch, Randolph x 1962 4 Army 08/20/44 09/24/15
Wells, Edward x 1969 Navy
Wells, John (Sean) x 1988 Army (R) 09/30/69 Retired 01 August 2015
Welsh, Michael x 1962 Air Force
Welsh, William x 1982 Navy
Welsh, William x 2008 Air Force
Wesley, Jimmie x 1956 1 National Guard 11/11/36 07/07/94
West, Mark x 1979 7 Army 09/06/61 01/28/18 82nd Airborne and Special Ops
White, Michael x 1967 4 Navy 11/15/49 10/17/16
White, Otis x 1971 Army 01/21/53
White, Ronald x 1967 2 2010
Whited, Thomas x 1972 Navy Served as flight deck trouble shooter on USS Midway
Whitehair, Fred x 1966 Navy & Navy Res. 03/29/48
Whiteted, Clarence x 1953 1 USMC 04/10/35 02/01/58
Whittaker, Danny x 1969 National Guard
Wick, Gary x 1965 Army 10/14/46
Wick, Ronald x 1955 Air Force
Wilkey Millward Gadberry, Diana x 1974 Air Force
Williams Jr, Alvin x 1936 1 Navy 09/25/18 11/06/02
Williams, John x 1981 Navy 03/26/63
Williams, Ronald x 1969 Army 12/09/50
Williams, Thomas x 1960 USMC 04/04/41 HMM 162 Helo Sq, Air Medal, 3 gold stars
Williamson, Leroy 1952 Navy Withdrew in 51-52 year
Willis, Leotis x 1985 Army 09/21/67
Willoughby, Mathew x 1986 USMC 05/20/68 Navy Seal 2nd Class, Demo Expert, Sniper, 1991-97
Wiltshire, Hubert x 1951 1 Air National Guard
Wilson, Jack x 1965 9 Navy & Army 08/20/47 08/15/21 RMSN C.C.Div. USS Annapolis AGMR-1
Wilson, James x 1952 1 Army
Wilson, Robert x 1967 Army & Natl Grd 08/10/49
Witalec, Joseph x 1958 8 Air Force 09/28/40 11/16/19
Wolf, David x 1959 9 Navy 07/04/41 03/23/19
Wolfe, Calvin x 1944 1 Navy 07/10/25 01/14/90
Wolfe, Robert x 1968 1 Navy 09/10/49 08/23/12
Wolfe, Wayne x 1952 10 Army 07/28/34 04/26/22
Wood, Robert x 1948 Air Force
Woodard, David x 1982 Army
Woodruff, Robert x 1975 USMC
Woodrum Sr., Harold x 1975 3 Army 12/17/56 07/08/14
Wright, Donald x 1954 10 Air Force 08/28/36 08/29/22
Wright, Harold x 1949 Navy 1931 NHS Hall of Fame
York, Fred x 1956 Air Force
York, Gerald x 1948 6 Army 01/28/30 09/10/17 1st Lt. Korea
Zimmer, Thomas x 1965 Army 09/13/47 PFC HC ˝ 1st Inf Div
Visit Northridge Deceased Alumni Veterans Memorial website HERE.
The Northridge Veterans Day Program November
10, 2017. HERE
The Northridge Veterans Day Program November 12, 2018. HERE
Mansions of the Lord, view HERE.
The Veterans &
Military Alumni Society. HERE
Wright State University

POW, 91, Finally Receives Medals Earned In WWII
Tampa Bay Times, 2017
Sixty-seven years after U.S. Navy Petty
Officer McPherson "Mac" Plecker nearly starved to death as a Japanese
prisoner of war, he finally got the recognition and medals he earned. "I
knew I was due some medals, but I really never paid too much attention to it," said Plecker, 91. "I really didn't think after all this time I was going to get them." But on Saturday morning, the World War II veteran was driven by stretch limousine to the Palms of Largo retirement
community for a stirring medal award ceremony in front of about 150 guests,
mostly veterans.
Nine medals were pinned to Plecker's
black jacket, including the American Defense Service Medal, a Purple Heart and a Prisoner of War Medal for imprisonment between 1941 and 1945. During
those years, Plecker suffered beatings and torture. He survived by eating rats, boiled weeds, raw fish heads — even
a can of shoe polish.
Now he has lung cancer, and it was his
Suncoast Hospice team, with assistance from former U.S. Rep. Mike Bilirakis' office, that pushed to get the medals he deserved. Daphni Austin,
veterans relations liaison for Suncoast Hospice and director of Honor Flight of West Central Florida, told the crowd Saturday that she was struck by the first thing Plecker did when he returned home to the United
States. "He went and bought a Navy dress uniform. . . . To me this was
a true statement of this man's loyalty and pride as a member of the U.S.
Navy. After everything, what was important to him was to get back into uniform," she said. That uniform had to be tailored — he weighed just over 80 pounds when he was released from prison camp.
• • •
Plecker joined the Navy in 1940 and
achieved the rank of machinist mate third class. He was stationed at Wake Island in the Pacific when the Japanese launched an air attack shortly after bombing Pearl Harbor. Shrapnel from bombs tore into Plecker's chest and left arm. He still carries scars. On Dec. 23, 1941, two weeks after the initial attack, the Americans were forced to surrender.
Plecker's personnel and medical records were lost during the invasion.
Plecker would serve the balance of World War II in prison camps in China
and Japan. After he was discharged, he went on with his life, owning a
car lot for three decades and then a drive-through beverage store. He
never pursued the decorations to which he was entitled. "It was just something
he didn't really ever talk about," said his daughter Mary Gerrity, 48, of Tarpon Springs. "He's a very humble man." Even today, the memories of his years as a POW still cause him pain. "It's something I'd just as soon forget," he said. But
his recollections will live forever. In 2002, Plecker gave a recorded audio account of his military history to his friend,
Clearwater attorney Carleton "Woody" Weidemeyer. It is now archived at
the Library of Congress as part of the Veterans History Project.
In telling his story, Plecker recalled
the first wave of bombers to fly over Wake Island. "They were not much
more than 100 feet off the ground," he said. "There wasn't much to do except run." After
the Americans surrendered, he was taken to an airfield, where his hands and neck were bound by wire to those of other prisoners
in a daisy chain formation. He recalls being kept on the airfield for
three days with no food and only "gasoline water" to drink. (The prisoners
were given water from five-gallon gas cans that had not been rinsed out.) Food
rations over the next four years consisted of fist-size balls of rice and "soup" — hot water with a bit of vegetable
juice in it. The POWs were beaten for no reason, he said. Sometimes they
were used by the Japanese for martial arts practice. Many died from exposure,
malnutrition, diarrhea and pneumonia.
• • •
By Sunday, the precious medals Plecker
had received the day before, along with an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol, were under glass, "where my dad can look at them every day," said Gerrity. She said her father was tired out after all the pomp, but "still spunky." The nonagenarian lives independently
in his own home in North Pinellas and drives a brand new red Chevy Camaro.
Still, he remains humble. "It's
nice to know people haven't forgotten us," Plecker said.
U.S. Navy Petty Officer McPherson "Mac"
Plecker passed away on the tenth day of July, 2014.
pictures HERE.
We Are Veterans.
We left home as teenagers for
an unknown adventure. We loved our country enough
to defend it and protect it with our own lives. We said goodbye to friends and family and everything we knew. We learned
the basics and then we scattered in the wind to the far corners of the Earth. We found new friends and new family. We
became brothers and sisters regardless of color, race or creed. We had plenty of good times, and plenty of bad times. We
didn’t get enough sleep. We smoked and drank too much. We picked up both good and bad habits. We worked hard
and played harder. We didn’t earn a great wage. We experienced the happiness of mail call and the sadness of missing
important events. We didn’t know when, or even if, we were ever going to see home again. We grew up fast, and
yet somehow, we never grew up at all. We fought for our freedom, as well as the freedom of others. Some of us saw actual
combat, and some of us didn’t. Some of us saw the world, and some of us didn’t. Some of us dealt with physical
warfare, most of us dealt with psychological warfare. We have seen and experienced and dealt with things that we can’t
fully describe or explain, as not all of our sacrifices were physical. We participated in time honored ceremonies and rituals
with each other, strengthening our bonds and camaraderie. We counted on each other to get our job done and sometimes to
survive it at all. We have dealt with victory and tragedy. We have celebrated and mourned. We lost a few along the
way. When our adventure was over, some of us went back home, some of us started somewhere new and some of us never came
home at all. We have told amazing and hilarious stories of our exploits and adventures. We share an unspoken bond with
each other, that most people don’t experience, and few will understand. We speak highly of our own branch of service,
and poke fun at the other branches. We know however, that, if needed, we will be there for our brothers and sisters and
stand together as one, in a heartbeat. Being a veteran is something that had to be earned, and it can never be taken away. It
has no monetary value, but at the same time it is a priceless gift. People see a veteran and they thank them for their
service. When we see each other, we give that little upwards head nod, or a slight smile, knowing that we have shared and
experienced things that most people have not. So, from myself to the rest of the veterans out there, I commend and thank
you for all that you have done and sacrificed for your country. Try to remember the good times and forget the bad times. Share
your stories. But most importantly, stand tall and proud, for you have earned the right to be called a Veteran.
Visit the memorial website for NHS deceased veterans HERE.
To see available pictures of all known NHS alumni
veterans, CLICK HERE.